Muscular awakening
Start your day well
Waking up in the morning is sometimes the obstacle course. Additional alarms are added to sleep a few more minutes. When you get up, it’s hard to find your bearings and even worse it’s sometimes the race to get ready. Getting to work, we need a good dose of caffeine and for others the coffee-nicotine duo is essential. And if we changed his habits to start his day better? The idea, integrate a sports session in the morning. At first glance we say, we will have to get up earlier when it is already complicated. And well try, you risk to adopt this new way of working and revolutionize your days.
For others, the context is totally different, you do not have time to perform a session at another time, youcoach adapts and organizes your sessions from 6am.
After a few sessions, you will wake up in great shape, you will feel better, your sleep will be restorative. You will start your day with positive energy.
At work, your early dynamism will jostle more than one. You will gain height on situations, you will forge a shield against stress and your posture at work will improve.
We offer sessions outdoors, at gym club or at home.