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Weight loss relieves joint pain and helps prevent cardiovascular problems. The combination of physical activity with a rebalancing of food helps to find a good physical condition. Thus, losing weight is more than a challenge, it is part of a philosophy of life. By maintaining a regular practice and a healthy diet, you preserve your health capital and develop your general state of fitness.
Youcoach will guide you to transform your silhouette. We will take the time to progress together and at your own pace. To go too fast in progression is very often synonymous with injury and demotivation. That’s why our sessions are organized so that you are comfortable breathing and your joints are preserved.
Dans un premier temps, nos séances alternent marche rapide, course lente, vélo pour réhabituer et préparer votre organisme. Une fois l’endurance fondamentale acquise nous augmenterons progressivement l’intensité des séances pour développer votre capacité et votre puissance aérobie véritable brûle graisse.
Dans un second temps, en parallèle de vos séances cardio nous vous proposerons des exercices qui vous permettront de tonifier et de raffermir vos muscles.
Youcoach will offer sessions in different places such as parks, athletics tracks, urban areas, forests, gyms.